Former President Trump Says He’s ‘Finished’ with Ohio Governor DeWine Following Veto of Bill That Would Have Prohibited Genital Mutilation of Children

Former President Donald Trump has denounced Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68, saying the governor has “fallen to the radical left.”

On Saturday morning, the former president wrote on Truth Social, “DeWine has fallen to the Radical Left. No wonder he gets loudly booed in Ohio every time I introduce him at Rallies, but I won’t be introducing him any more. I’m finished with this “stiff.” What was he thinking. The bill would have stopped child mutilation, and prevented men from playing in women’s sports. Legislature will hopefully overturn. Do it FAST!!!”

Trump endorsed DeWine’s re-election campaign last year in the general election, however, chose not to make an endorsement in the contested GOP primary.

DeWine vetoed House Bill 68 on Friday, announcing his decision at a press conference.

Ohio Gov Mike DeWine / Facebook

House Bill 68 is a combination of two bills: the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act and the Save Women’s Sports Act.

The SAFE Act, if enacted, would prevent doctors from providing minors with gender-affirming care. The Save Women’s Sports Act, if enacted, would prevent biological males who identify as transgender from participating in girls’ and womens’ sports.

The governor argued the “gut-wrenching decisions” regarding gender dysphoria when it pertains to minors should be made by parents.

DeWine’s decision to veto the bill was denounced by a large group of activists, organizations, and lawmakers, as previously reported by The Ohio Star.

Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens (R-Kitts Hill) also released a statement following the governor’s veto, announcing the GOP caucus will discuss taking the “appropriate next steps” as the bill passed by “veto-proof majorities in each chamber.”

“It is disappointing that the Governor vetoed House Bill 68, the SAFE Act and Save Women’s Sports. The bill sponsors, and The House, have dedicated nearly three years to get the bill right — to empower parents and protect children. It was passed by veto-proof majorities in each chamber. We will certainly discuss as a caucus and take the appropriate next steps,” Stephens said.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Ohio Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “President Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore.




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